
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
A complete recording of every solo work for Piano by Mozart, played by David Ernst Molnar and Ádám Hegyes.

Franz Schubert
So far we have released two albums featuring Schubert; Moments Musicaux & Impromtus. Our goal is to record every work for solo piano.

Scandinavian music
We recently began recording Swedish music. The Scandinavian music heritage is mainly unknown, and it is our work to preserve it.

Johannes Brahms
In the pipline we have a complete cycle of every Brahms piano piece. Up ot date we have released all klavierstücke.

Brahms chamber music
The sonatas for violin/cello and the piano trios are all released, played by the members of the Molnar Trio.

Ludwig van Beethoven
With a selection of the cello sonatas released we are now working on a complete edition of Beeethoven’s piano works.